Thursday, October 19, 2017

Years go by

2017, wow. Remember 1997. That was not 3 years ago, that was 20 years ago.
In '97 I was half way through my first year of high school. Today, I sit here with a glass of wine, 3 of my children in bed, a bonus daughter of my best friend laying next to them and my sister in the basement room.
Twenty years. Shit.
I have no regrets, none that would have changed anything. Just those silly ones.
I have an amazing gift from God, my husband. I have been given the gift of growing and raising 3 amazing and beautiful little girls that will change the world. I don't care if they change the world for a million people or just 1, but they will change it, and it will be for the better. For us all.
Today my 2 oldest daughters did not win their run for a spot on student council. I knew they wouldn't It is a popularity contest, much like really politics seem to be anymore, but I will never stop them from bettering themselves. My brave girls, stood up in a world that holds us down while claiming to not do so, and tried. And for that I will never regret supporting them, encouraging them or showing them otherwise. Boy, girl, rich or poor, if you don't have the righ combination of things you can't control, you don't have a chance.
Lord help those who try to keep them down. I will raise these girls powerful. They may deal with all the same shit we dealt with, but they will not be kept down. They will power through, they will rise above. I may falter in areas as a mom, but I will be sure to let these children know how much power is actually in them.
20 years from now, will be 2037, my eldest will be 30. Fuck. What will your world hold? Ms. O will be 28 and Litte K will be 25. I know they will change the world. I know it sucks that they may not see what they did, but, somewhere, as a kind human, they will change someone's world. Hell, they have already changed mine. And I hate to imagine a world without them, even on the hard days.

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